What would you do if you have 2M?
2 miliar rupiah, maksudnya.
Gue mau bikin film. -1.5 M
Mau beli macbook pro. - 25 juta
Mau beli baju dan sepatu local made yang bagus. - 75 juta
Mau ke mana-mana naik taksi. - 25 juta
Mau pacaran - 25 juta
Mau tinggal di rumah yang lebih terurus dan airnya gak kotor. - 750 juta
Eh kok udah overbudget?
Coba diitung ulang deh.
Film 1M aja.
Macbook pro ga usah, pake yang ada aja.
Baju dan sepatu, ntar aja pas kurus.
Naik taksi gapapa, tapi ya batasin ke luar aja. Do something more productive.
Pacar ntar aja.
Rumah... Kalibata cukup deh. Beli filter air aja.
"You really need to get out of that place," katanya sambil memberi salep hidrokortisone agar muka gue tak lagi bersisik akibat air kalibata.
I do not mind living here. But I would not mind his apartment. A loft di tengah kota dengan air sehat, resepsionis, lift wangi, dan kaca dari lantai ke langit-langit.
Tapi kan adanya Kalibata. Bukankah sudah harus disyukuri saja?
Am I being grateful or am I too mediocre to aim for excellence?
Kalau duit gue sebanyak doi sih ya gue milih yang premium lahhh.
Is it a matter of money or a matter of taste?
I guess both. I am so used to think I have not enough money so I compromise to mediocrity.
The truth is, I have all the money in the world. So just relax. Money will come to you.
Well no need to be negative. The truth is, I have not all the money in the world. But I do already have all the things I need to be happy.
And happiness attracts macbook pro, a loft in the city, investors, good people, good design, and good girlfriend.
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