Minggu, 27 Mei 2012

Happy Birthday, Babe

I missed your birthday.

So I don't expect a birthday card from you this year.

But you are not me. You won't forget my birthday just because I forget yours.

It's here, even if it's 20 days late.

"What? Padahal gue kirimnya express lho. Kok bisa baru nyampe?"

Padahal kartu itu lo bawa-bawa seminggu di tas. Maunya nulis pendek, tapi tiap mikirin gue lo jadi melankolik trus terbengong-bengong lama deh.


Bentar doang ... Pas inget lo lagi di New York sama suami lo, gak jadi geer lagi.

I was wondering, how does it feel to be married to someone yang bukan love of your life?

"When it's good, it's never really good. When it's bad, it's never really bad," kata lo di umur 29.

Tapi untuk seorang  arsitek umur 31, that might be what you need. A quiet and peaceful life in a beautiful place like Melbourne, with occasional trip to Beijing and New York. Not a passionate love affair with secret occasional rendezvous in  a hotel in  Hongkong... Or Germany.

I was wondering, will I feel the same when I was 31?

I am 29 years old. A quiet and peaceful life in Melbourne no longer looks as bad as when I was 23. But somehow my feet leads me to a more passionate life. A passion that might get me into more pain and suffering.

"In case you need a refugee, come to Melbourne. My door is always open."

Thanks, babe.

Gak sekarang tentunya. Situ lagi di New York.

In case you are in New York, that's okay. Whatsapp will always be enough.

In case you have no whatsapp, that's okay too. You are always here kok.


So be it the grand confession or finding my Portia, you are rooting for me.

Now life seems a lot easier with you and whatsapp around.

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4

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