The whole Serangoon Road is built in this land, not too far from the real Serangoon Road, without the real prostitutes, without the real tight ass inspectors, without the real traffic noise, but with real stager to put your crew, lighting, and whatever... You name it.
"When we finished the series, we were thinking not to bring the set down. It can be turned into something else."
Ini bukan set pertama yang gue lihat, dulu pernah tapi somewhere di Universal Studios. A whole different world. Kalau Hollywood ya bikin film di studio. Gak mau di lokasi asli.
Tapi ini Indonesia. Masih untung bisa bikin film. Mana pernah kepikiran ngabisin duit bangun set. Apalah artinya perijinan preman dan suara-suara seliweran dibandingkan uang jutaan dollar yang kami tak punya untuk bangun set.
Terlalu mahal.
Bisa bikin film aja udah syukur.
"Kalau kita mau bikin Curious Grandmas dengan proper, ya harus 1 juta dollar."
Cuma harga satu episode TV mereka sih.
Tapi film pertama gue 100 juta. Naik sepuluh kali lipat ke 1 M. Seharusnya kalau mau konstan naik 10x lipat ya sekarang 10M.
Tapi bikin film gak bisa menuruti deret aritmatika. I am not ready for this. I am not experienced enough. I am too provencial to go international.
Maybe they need a more mature and experienced producer.
Gue lebih baik menikmati indahnya Selat Malaka, perpaduan keindahan alam dan arus lalu lintas laut super sibuk, bergelantungan di hammock menikmati foreground pohon kelapa dengan background kapal-kapal tanker di kejauhan, menikmati resort yang biasanya hanya dinikmati orang singapura dan korea.
"This is not about you."
Tiba-tiba that voice menghentak gue dari hammock.
Sepuluh M doang... It's nothing for me. I want it made. The grandmas need this movie.
Not because of me. This grandmas is a strong tough beast. It doesn't need any funding. It doesn't need any award. It doesn't need me.
We have a beautiful ending, and this story needs to be told.
If they can make 1 million dollars TV episode, why am I so bothered with a 1 Million dollar movie?
"Gue gengsi banget kalau ditolak."
Jadi inget papi, pengumpul coPro terbanyak di Demi Ucok. Ketika ditanya kenapa papi gak malu minta-minta seratus ribu ke orang-orang, papi cuma jawab:
"Kan buat nona kecil papi, ngapain malu?"
This is not about you.
Then the fear disappear.
This is for our moms. Maminya Lucky. Maminya Daud. And all the housewives that dedicate all their life for their family and deserved much more from us.
I am now curious.
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