Jumat, 03 Agustus 2012

4 hours passed me by

Jam 6: alarm BB berbunyi.

Jam 10: bangun, idupin 'Get Up and Go' di BB dngan sedikit penyesalan what have I done this last 4 hours.

Harusnya renang. Harusnya beres-beres kamar. Harusnya baca. Harusnya nulis blog. Harusnya gak mikirin yang gak perlu.


What have I thought for 4 hours?

Newsweek and how it could give America another chance to be the greatest country in the world?

Should I call Anita Sarawak?

Majalah Fovea kok bilang2 sih gue gak punya cewe?

Pengen bikin cerita tentang selingkuh?

Harusnya kemaren gak makan Mc Darmo dan sambal biar ga jerawatan.

Bisa nggak ya bikin PH di Bandung aja? Gak usah ke Jakarta.

Should I call her?

Dan another Should Woulda Coulda yang membuat 4 jam ku berlalu di tempat tidur.

How many times did you move on but not leave?

Ah sudahlah. Good things will set me free.

Yuk bebas yuk cyin.

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.6

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