"The pleasure of sex is not physical. It's psychological," kata seorang bottom saat ditanya apa enaknya dimasuki benda asing dari lubang pantat.
"I'd rather dimasukin, daripada gue yang masukin. Kalau ada stuffs di kondom pas gue keluarin kan jijay."
"Bukannya kata lo dimasukin sakit?"
"But I find pleasure to make him happy. Gue biasanya fake-fake in aja muka gue, biar dia lebih turn on."
"Gue sebel banget tuh kalau dia udah keluar trus gue ditinggalin sendirian, belum selesai," kata another bottom.
"I don't mind," kata the submissive bottom.
If sex is not physically enjoyable, why do you guys became gay?
"Gue mau muntah liat toket."
"I hate vagina."
"I just cannot get it up wih girls."
"I hate sex with guys. Girls are better, but I keep falling in love with boys."
It's just preferences. Some prefers boys. Some prefers girls.
Some prefers ears.
"Gue gak suka ada yang gigit-gigit kuping gue. Kaya mau dimakan. Tapi pas kuping dia digigt, eh dia melenguh keenakan. Ya gue gigit aja terus."
Some prefers feet.
"Gue cuci-cuci dulu kaki gue, jangan sampe dia jiji."
Some prefers rimming.
"Jijik banget, pas gue rim masa keluar tai gitu, padahal udah gue cuci-cuci sebelumnya. Dan dia gak nyadar."
Some prefers di-rim.
"Enak banget booo. Makanya gue bottom aja deh terus. Daripada gue harus jilat-jilat pantat orang."
Some loves corpse.
"Mungkin karena the need to dominate ya? Mayat kan ga bisa ngelawan?"
Some loves taik.
"Two girls and a cup. Kalau gak kuat, jangan nonton."
Some loves fisting.
"Emang bisa ya dimasukin?" the stone butch menatap kepalan tangannya sendiri.
"And you? What do you prefer?"
The two bottoms stare at the butch, waiting for an answer.
Silent moment.
"I don't know. I never had an orgasm."
"Just look at yourself in the mirror. Explore."
"I did. Some people just had it really deep, gak keliatan. I guess I am one of those."
"Ya coba teken-teken aja sendiri."
"Maybe you need to try it with a guy."
"Kalau cowo udah mau klimaks, gue suruh mandi aja. Pake aer dingin. Males."
"Iyh egois banget lo."
"Well, waktu itu sih gue kira gue menghormati keperawanan ya, but I guess I was simply lesbian. I was not turned on by him."
"But you never had orgasm with girls?"
And she was asking why they all became gay. Maybe she needs to ask herself first.
Maybe gay should not be called sexual preferences. Because it was not always sexual.
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