Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011


"Girl, you need a make over," kata cong gaya di kamar gue. I have 3 cute guys in my bedroom, all more interested in what's on my body rather than my body.

Gue berbaring cleopatra di atas ranjang tanpa guna mencoba menggoda salah satu dada bidang itu menghimpit dada ini. Hanya untuk kemudian dilihat nista.

"And no more carbo for you after six," sambungnya, instead of kata-kata cinta.

Tapi rambutku dibelai mesra.

"And this hair... harus dipanjangin. You look like a butch. Gimana mo dapet jodoh?" tambahnya, senada Mak Gondut.

"You need to dress like a director. More edgy. More representative. How are you gonna get people to invest in your movie?" tambahnya sambil melihat button merah totol-totol di salah satu calon baju gue yang akan dibuang.

"It's the perfect time to get jodoh, when you are no good to see. Then you'll know more you get inner beauty, what the eyes can't see" jawabku.

Dia tidak menjawab, hanya menatap nyinyir.


Dan hari ini gue sudah diseret ke Pop Shop, beli baju dua ratus ribu something.


Gak boleh minta cheese cake.

Gak boleh minta Mc D.

Terong balado, okelah.

Green tea ice cream apple pie? No. Green tea aja.

Is this what I have to do to get someone? Kasian banget gue.

"Kok kasihan sih? You need to be thankful that you are eating healthy food," kata cong gaya melanjutkan.

"And girl, you have an asset. If I were you, I would so show it off to the world," sambil menjamah dada gue.

"Pantat lo juga bagus," jawabku sambil coba raba-raba asetnya sebagai most eligible bottom di jakarta.

"Heran kok lo gak punya pacar sih?"

"Heran lo kok juga gak punya pacar sih?"

"Kita pacaran aja gimana?"

"If you are a boy, I am so gonna do you."

But I am not. So we are going for this instant makeover to get a boy.

No more carbo. Demi premiere yang fabulous.

1 komentar:

  1. Pop Shop?
    Horee... adek kecil punya baju baruuu..
    Make it two!
