Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010

Demi Ucok - Cause Butet is forbidden

Drama pencarian produser belum berganti babak. Ibarat mencari jarum di jerami. Mencari lelaki Batak keren tak beristri. Mencari babi hidup di sarang Batak. Seni mencari produser dibutuhkan kesabaran tingkat Dalai yang sangat Lama.

Muda. Berkulit gelap. Dan berdada bidang. Tampaknya spesies produser jenis ini sudah keburu beristri atau bersuami. Atau keburu maen film. Akhirnya gue melebarkan kriteria gue.

Muda. Satu visi. Dan berpengalaman.

Untung gue datang ke party ini. Tadinya dah males. Seorang homo baik hati mengenalkan gue padanya.

She seems like all I need.

Muda. Satu visi. Dan berpengalaman.

Dan lesbi. Even more perfect for the movie?

We decided to meet. I just realized she is the first Indonesian lesbian I have dinner with. Temen lesbi gue biasanya Amerika atau Belgia. It is weird and exciting to see how she is just like other girls I know.

“Jadi lo nyarinya Ucok atau Butet? “ tanya doi.

“We’ll see by the end of the movie,” jawab gue pura-pura nggak ngeh dia lesbi. It is better to wait till dia bilang sendiri.

Salah satu keuntungan bikin film dengan ending ambigu adalah lo bisa mendapatkan banyak feedback. Di awal cin(T)a, gue sangat resah dengan segala macam ke-Tuhanan yang Maha-maha. After cin(T)a, I don’t get the answer but somehow it’s enough. Gue gak marah dan penasaran lagi ama Tuhan.

Sekarang gue penasaran ama gay.

I do not want Demi Ucok to be a gay movie. It is a movie about a mother and a daughter. A daughter who will never be a lesbian because all girls will end up like her mom when they're old. Rese.

But what if she gets to be friends with her Mom in the end?

I smell a sequel. Demi Niki?

Now that will sound like a gay movie.

Or not. Cause Niki can be both .

Can you really love both? Are we all basically bisexual? Is it genetic? Is it love or lust? Is it a matter of choice that we become hetero or homo?

“Emang lo bisa milih ya?” kata dia sebelum keluar mobil gue.

“We’ll see by the end of the movie,” jawab gue diplomatis tas tis tiis.

So I need to make this movie immideately so I can move on to my next episode.

Demi Ucok - Cause Butet is forbidden.

Is it?

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