I tried tai chi. Tarik napas. Buang napas. Tarik energi positif. Buang energi negatif. Life is all about nafas, you know? Ketika lo sadar lo bernafas, lo akan melewati hidup tanpa menjadi mayat hidup.
Masih bersampah. Masih resah.
Gue coba yoga. Lipat kaki. Tarik nafas. Renggangkan kaki. Tarik ke belakang. Pelan-pelan. Rasakan seluruh otot di badanmu, even the little one you didn’t even know exist. Be aware that they are there.
Masih bersampah. Masih resah.
Gue coba baca alkitab. Cungkil matamu kalau berdosa. Patahkan kakimu kalau berdosa. Lebih baik kehilangan bagian tubuhmu daripada berdosa.
I wanna keep my eyes, thank you.
Masih resah. Masih bersampah.
100 hari tanpa menulis. 100 hari menumpuk sampah. Bayangkan 100 hari tanpa boker. Bayangkan 100 hari tanpa truk kuning mengosongkan bak bau depan rumah.
Bau. Jijik. Wuekk. BIkin pengen jauh-jauh.
So, is that all your writing about? Nyampah?
Buat apa nulis kalau hanya membuat sampah? Membuat orang lain semakin resah? Biar orang ikut merasakan sampah yang mengotori hati lo? Hati lo yang gak pernah puas. Hati lo yang selalu mencari. No peace of mind.
Siapa kamu berbagi sampah? Mereka gak butuh sampahmu. They have enough the Dedis and the Nurdins and the Bachsim Bachdim Bah Bah Hasyim nyampah nyampah and nyampah.
Dedi Gumilar? He looks a lot like Miing. Wasn’t he a comedian? Why he looks so serious?
Oh wait. He still is a comedian, even his title says DPR. Even funnier now with the serious look on his face.
Hahahahhhahahhahaha we pay 30 million for 500 something comedians. How much do we pay our teachers?
Sebuah bintang pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa. Priceless.
So why should I write when we have enough junk around again?
Too many words.
We need more action.
Do we?
Or what we really need is silence, listening for a while, listening to what You want.
Cungkil matamu kalau berdosa. Patahkan kakimu kalau berdosa. Lebih baik kehilangan bagian tubuhmu daripada berdosa.
Shut up!
You shut up.
Silence is the key.
All this Dedis and the Nurdins and theHalids and the misused Allah Akbar will pass away, eventually. But who will be with you till the earth stood still?
Till the earth stood till? What does that even mean? Isn’t it a title of a movie?
Be still and know that I am God.
Be still...
Be still.
Be still.
Ok. Ok. Geez, you’re so srious.
You’re not listening to me.
Ok. I’ll shut up.
Good. Silence is the key.
Silence is the key.
Be still and know that I am God.
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