Menyambut lebaran, gue mengirim berbagai SMS maaf, kecuali kepada mereka.
Maaf ya. Gue males minta maaf.
Boong ding. Gue gak males. Hanya takut. Takut gak dimaafin.
Setidaknya ada 6 nama yang mengingatkan gue selalu kalau gue bukan orang baik. Jadi setiap kali gue ngerasa diperlakukan gak adil, 6 nama ini akan mencegah gue merasa dizalimi.
Sesama orang berdosa dilarang saling menghakimi.
Nursita Wulansari
Temen SMP gue. Target bulan-bulanan kelas karena suatu hari dia mengaku-ngaku cucu presiden. Mungkin dia mencoba melucu. Tapi gak lucu. The 13 years old me thought that it won’t hurt her feeling to make fun of her cause everyone else did. She’s so used to it.
But I was the worst. Dia nangis. Bukannya minta maaf, gue malah defensive dengan niruin dia ‘nangis’... ngenyek. What a bitch.
For not forgiving her. For being a better judge than a better friend in times of her weaknesses.
Not for writing her story, but for not writing her story. My first book is a mix of fiction, reality, and childish revenge for her not writing me more often. It gets people confused between what is real and what is not.
Niki terpilih jadi ketua umum LFM. He is a nice guy and all, but I thought the only reason he was elected was that he was a Moslem, unlike the other candidate whom I think will make a better leader.
I was devastated. Katanya keluarga. Ujung-ujungnya agama.
Niki menawarkan gue menjadi salah satu manager di kabinet dia. Walaupun gue lagi ‘the fly’ mode on (terpuruk dalam benci dan frustasi kala sepi) tawaran Niki gue terima tanpa niat baik. Rencana gue: I do my best, outdo the other managers (all Moslem boys), and wait for the moment they realized their primitive decision electing him based on his religion.
Setahun kemudian, it was supposed to be my moment of glory. LPJ Niki ditolak.
I was even more devastated.
Paginya mami gue marahin karena ngilangin cable data I pod. Siangnya gue dimasakin ikan teri sambel.
And all other endless Malin Kundang story.
Papi teriak-teriak nyuruh gue bawa payung. Pura-pura gak denger, gue masuk mobil. Papi cemberut.
Dasar papi. Makin tua makin rewel.
Malemnya gue batuk-batuk. Papi dateng bawa makan malam dan 4 tablet.
Pas gue mau cuci piring, papi rewel ngomel-ngomel kalau ntar gue bakal tambah sakit.
Malam itu, papi rewel yang cuci piring.
Ich liebe dich nicht.
Hi Ria..
BalasHapusThis is Lala (Nursita Wulansari) thank you for remembering my full name on your post.
Barusan kebetulan browse nama aku sendiri untuk nyari NPM kuliah, ngga sengaja baca tulisan kamu ini. An old post indeed..
Jadi inget masa2 di bully di SMP.. it was soo hard..
Yes it was supposed to be a joke, I remembered it started because there are some discussion about Soeharto being 'bapak pembangunan bangsa', then i said that's makes us cucu dong, kan kita masih kecil2.. i dont remember who made that a big deal, i dont know how, but apparently every body starts to bully me..
But thankfully I've grown out of that phase eventually and able to move on. But unfortunatelly i dont remember you.. anyway, if your post is a request for forgiveness, you are forgiven..
Thank you.