Rabu, 14 Juli 2010

Mantan-Mantan Penasaran

"Sebelum nikah dia nanya ke gue: Lo suka gak sih ama gue?"

"Trus lo jawab apa?"

"Ya nggak."

"Kok dia bisa nyangka lo suka ama dia?"

"Mungkin karena gue mau diajak-ajak berdua."

"Tapi lo nggak suka?"

"Ya temen doang."

Ini cuma salah satu kisah pria-pria penasaran yang mendatangi dia. Nggak banyak banget kok. Tapi nggak habis-habis diabsenin satu-satu sepanjang jalan Tomang-Cipete.


Ok. Dia emang cantik kata Martha Tilaar. Dan kalau boong, hidungnya gerak-gerak sebelah, lucu. Kaya kelinci ngemut rumput. Fun to talk to. Laugh at your jokes. Dan bla bla bla lain yang bikin lo berharap she thinks about you the way you think about her.

But you should know better, guys. Bego.

Can't you see that she doesn't wanna be with you? She is simply a nice friendly cute girl who would not mind doing stuffs for her friends. It doesn't mean she loves you.

And my mind think about someone I know who is more stupid than those guys.


Only when it comes to you. My IQ is 161 when I am not with you.

Am I just another one of your 'mantan-mantan penasaran'?

Are u out there somewhere telling your friend that you never really were in love with me?

Knock! Seorang pengemis berbayi nemplok di kaca mobil gue.

Gue menempelkan tangan kanan di kaca, tanda tidak. Gue lagi nelangsa nih. No time ngasih lo receh.

Where were we?

Oh iya. You are out there in your car, telling your friend you were never in love with me...

Still I don't believe you. I always believe that you love me. It's other things that make us can't never be together.

"Abis dia nggak cina," kata si belasteran kelinci di sebelah gue, mengisahkan another mantan penasaran.

Me? I am not even your mantan.

How can I let go someone I never have?

Maybe it will be easier if I did have you. Then I can tell the world you are a lot better in my imagination. I only remembered the good part of you, and not the bad part. That's why I am still in love with you. And all those other lines I quoted from (500) days of summer.

Knock! Pengemis masih usaha. Bayi nangis.

Tai! Nggak tau apa lo gue lagi jatuh cinta?
Cinta memang kejam. Tak mengenal permintaan. Kalau saja gua bukan...


Alright! Nih gue kasih duit. Tangan gue keluar memberi si pengemis duit.

"Gak kebanyakan?" tanyanya nyinyir. Ternyata gue cuma ngasih cepek.

Dan gue kembali ke Indonesia, meninggalkan lo di sana, in that weak vulnerable corner no other can enter.

Berniat ngasih si pengemis lebih banyak, tapi terhalang amarah dan jarak karena si pengemis sudah ke mobil selanjutnya.

It seems that we have more things to think about in this miserable country other than cinta.

God, I need some dose of Jason Mraz, so I can do other things other than thinking about you.

Cinta bertahan karena ada harapan. Sisanya cuma impian.

2 komentar:

  1. "Cinta bertahan karena ada harapan. Sisanya cuma impian."

    yeah.. like this line a lot! :)
