Minggu, 07 Februari 2010

5 minutes of fame

Andy Warhol said "In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes."

But Warhol's future is a past now. Now, everyone is famous only for five minutes. And those who have tasted the sweet temptation of fame will be craving for more...

5 minutes of fame.

This became our working title for my first documentary... about dangdut, women, and poverty.

I am diving into the world of a 14 years old dangdut singer who was a winner of an American Idol wannabe show on TV. I was imagining a world full of beats and goyang and a happy musical documentary full of off style characters. That was what I had first in mind when I started this documentary, together with Sally Anomsari.

I was naive.

What do you do after all the fame has gone and you have to keep the lifestyle you have been addicted to? The "5 minutes of fame" lifestyle.

Maybe you will get yourself into a world of Dayeuh Kolot Lolita.

6 komentar:

  1. May I know, what the obstacles to making documentary film? Kenapa sih Ka Sam mau bikin documentary? =)

  2. Awalnya karena mau pedekate ama Nia Dinata.

    But it turns out it is a lot more fun, learning from the very bottom. Kalau di documentary, kerasa banget kalau God is the director.

  3. emangnya kalao mau pedekate ama Teh Nia harus buat film documenary yaa? =) Aku baca2 blog Ka Sam serasa kayak belajar bahasa Inggris. kebetulan Inggris Aku not good. hihihihi. Aku suka tulisan2 Ka Sam.

  4. Sama bo. Gue juga lagi belajar bas inggris makanya nulisnya pake basa inggris.

    Produser dokumenternya nia dinata. begitu lho, jeng.

  5. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  6. wow asyik sekali. nanti diputer di Blitz kayak Pertaruhan engga Ka? dulu Aku pernah ketemu kak Sam pas di LA Indie Movie Bandung 2009. sebenernya waktu ketemu pengen ngobrol2, tapi malu. hehehe.
